It’s Time to Present Your Plan to C-Suite or Tribal Council

Chris Archunde, Raving Partner — Strategic Operations & Marketing Performance, gives us the “simple pimple” plan to prepare your presentation to stakeholders and Tribal council.

Unlocking Success: The Golden Rule for Presenting Your Plan

So, you’re on the agenda, what now? Well, here’s our #1 tip to present your marketing plan, budget or proposal: Preparation, preparation, and more preparation.

Begin by vetting your numbers. Collaborate closely with your accounting, finance, slot departments and other key areas to ensure that your figures are rock-solid. This step alone can give you that extra edge and confidence during presentation time. But don’t stop there – make it as simple and digestible as possible. Effective communication and presentation will make it easier for leadership to support your request or initiative.

And remember, consistency is the name of the game. Consistency in your efforts and approach will build trust and reliability.

So, there you have it, the blueprint to success: Prepare diligently, collaborate smartly, communicate effectively, and stay consistent. Your journey to success starts here!

Raving’s Marketing & Performance Review

Work with Raving on a holistic assessment to prioritize revenue generation, efficiencies, cost savings, and fund reallocation for optimized financial performance. This program covers:

  • Current environmental review
  • Competitor analysis
  • Marketing campaign assessment
  • Loyalty and PD program review
  • Recommendations and action plan

Chris Archunde