Compelling videos make people stop, look & listen …
So, why aren’t you using video in your social media posts?
Mark Astone
It seems like just yesterday that I was sharing tips with you about how to make your casino’s social media posts more engaging by using images. Then I wake up one day and have live streaming video auto-playing on my iPhone. Periscope started this craze, and now Facebook is going crazy with it.
Okay, so you may not want to be streaming live feeds from your casino today (players love their privacy), but it’s definitely time to get serious about adding interesting video content to your social media. On average, online consumers watch 66% of video ads. There’s just no denying it. Compelling videos make people stop, look and listen.
Here are some ideas to help get you going:
1. New slot games. In a brisk, fun and concise way, tell people about the game, show its features and bonuses, and where it’s located on your floor. You could potentially get a few different videos out of this. “Interview” a winning player, and have him tell the audience what’s cool about the new game.
2. Promotions. Instead of posting your promotion ad over and over again on Facebook, take some fun videos at the next weekly event in order to inspire folks to come out the following weekend. Talk to some winners, show the big drawing as it takes place.
3. Tme-lapse. Use a time-lapse function to show in 15-30 seconds the 1,000 sets of dishes being offloaded and stacked up for your gift giveaway. Or the bingo room as it is being transformed into a concert venue or VIP dinner. Or how about the 500 lobsters being prepped for the all-you-can-eat buffet? Check out this video on Facebook from Table Mountain Casino, with their employees enjoying their all-you-can-eat lobster buffet.
4. Entertainment. Work with your talent buyer to get your upcoming acts to record a short message on their phone, and have it sent to you in order to post on social media. Ask permission to record a short message with the artist when he arrives at your venue, during sound check, or after the show in order to thank your players for coming out for the show. Sure, some artists will not cooperate, but you’d be surprised how many will be happy to engage. In addition, Raving Partner Kell Houston has written several articles about entertainment contracts and addendums.
Here are some final tips:
- Keep your videos short – 15 seconds is ideal, 30 seconds at the most. Don’t try and shoot 15-second videos – just shoot fun and interesting content, then edit the footage to the appropriate length.
- If you do not have an agency that can help you, identify your in-house resources for creating videos. If you would like to create a catalogue of social video, you can talk to someone like Raving Partner MantraHouse.
- One of our clients has a Director who loves to edit the videos he takes with his drone as a hobby. Put the word out at your casino, and find the hidden talent. Invest in a good, easy-to-use camera, and use it all the time. Don’t go for the cheapest, or the most expensive.
Good luck, and as always – have fun with it!