Marketing and Loyalty Clubs

Turnover Rate Revolving Door

Turnover Among Marketing Executives

By Dennis Conrad / Comments Off on Turnover Among Marketing Executives

Jump or get pushed? How to lessen turnover in the marketing arena I have never seen any statistics on turnover rates for executives in the gaming industry. There probably are some executive search firms that specialize in the casino biz that could shed light on this matter and how it compares to other industries. But…

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Unique from Competition

Your Property has a Unique Advantage

By Dennis Conrad / Comments Off on Your Property has a Unique Advantage

Start leveraging that leverage! And get ahead of the competition. I am a big believer in the principle of leverage and have seen many good examples of that over the years in the casino industry. For example, decades ago when the Dunes (now Bellagio) in Las Vegas was being imploded, the Flamingo and Aladdin leveraged…

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Digital Marketing Essentials

Digital Marketing Essentials

By Mark Astone / Comments Off on Digital Marketing Essentials

How to drive your casino customers through the door in 2016 So you use all the traditional media to talk to your gamer. You run radio, TV, and send out tons of direct mail. Seems like it’s working. But … are you missing a major channel? If you are not talking to your gamer with…

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ROI Definition

Die, ROI, Die

By Nicole Barker / Comments Off on Die, ROI, Die

Let ROI drive the bus and you will see your customers defect in droves This isn’t the first time that I have called for the end of a marketing mainstay. Last year, I heralded the end to Tiered Club programs. Or rather, I begged for loyalty marketers to toss their cards up in the air…

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Customer Engagement

Why You Need to Build an Engagement Strategy for Your Casino

By Deb Hilgeman, Ph.D. / Comments Off on Why You Need to Build an Engagement Strategy for Your Casino

Only if you want to increase customer loyalty, employee performance, and profitability In the last few years, a relatively new branch of research known as employee engagement surveys has exploded in popularity. Employee engagement is an emotional commitment to your employer, and it involves loyalty, commitment, satisfaction, advocacy and going the extra mile. Using a…

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Lucky Sign

Can We Actually Help Our Guests “Get Lucky”?

By Toby O'Brien / Comments Off on Can We Actually Help Our Guests “Get Lucky”?

A different way to think about our casino’s marketing strategies After years of customer research, casino marketing folks believe that there are three initial factors considered by players in choosing a casino to visit on any particular day. In order of importance, they are: Location, Luck, Service. When I’ve conducted service and sales training for…

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Squirrel Factor

The Squirrel Factor of Social Media

By Mark Astone / Comments Off on The Squirrel Factor of Social Media

Squirrel! Is Your Social Media Content Grabbing Attention? Like most of us, I’m really busy every day. But a few times a week, I “catch up” on my Newsfeed and favorite social channels to make sure that I haven’t missed anything “important” (like a picture of the largest litter of sheepdogs in the world). I…

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Empty message bubbles

Hidden Marketing Messages in the Gaming Industry

By Dennis Conrad / Comments Off on Hidden Marketing Messages in the Gaming Industry

You Want to Do What for Me? There is a convenience store in my hometown where I often stop to gas up my vehicle. I use a credit card and always try to get a receipt for my gas purchase from one of those thermal ticket printers at the pump. The first several times I…

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Toby O'Brien Chris Faria

Get Your Frontline Employees Excited About Your Promotions

By Toby O'Brien / Comments Off on Get Your Frontline Employees Excited About Your Promotions

Your BEST Advertising Tactic? Engage Your Employees in Casino Promotions! Did you miss Raving’s Indian Gaming National Marketing Conference in San Diego this past January? Sorry that we missed you! In my session, I shared a year’s worth of tactics for getting frontline employees excited about your promotions. Why? Because it’s one of the most…

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No Excuses but Results

Five Bad Excuses that Are Impacting Your Marketing Strategy

By Deb Hilgeman, Ph.D. / Comments Off on Five Bad Excuses that Are Impacting Your Marketing Strategy

What excuse do YOU have for not doing market research? There is NO GOOD REASON to not integrate this tool into your strategy! Deb Hilgeman, Ph.D. I recently conducted two workshops on Attitude & Awareness surveys at Raving’s 18th Indian Gaming National Marketing Conference. This is the type of survey that you use to find…

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