Are We Getting Diversity and Inclusion Right?

How do we manage this issue not only from a staffing perspective but from a human perspective?

We work in Tribal organizations that have experienced pain of exclusion and racism. As leaders in our industry, how do we manage this issue from not only from a staffing perspective but from a human perspective and why is being educated about this important to our organization and as humans? How do you create an organization where diversity is celebrated? How do you balance Tribal preference, gender, multi-generations, minority, veterans, LGBQT to create a great organization?

At Raving NEXT 2022, Tal Moore led a discussion on how we need to think and communicate differently during this critical time in history when we are so strapped to retain people. If we don’t tackle these core issues, we’ll never solve the problem.

Tal Moore, Chief Organizational Development Officer of the Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority and Foundation Director of Development, National Native American Human Resources Association (NNAHRA) guides this discussion with panelists:

Joe Nayquonabe, Jr., Chief Executive Officer, Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures

Jason Younker, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President and Advisor to the President on Sovereignty and Government-to-Government Relations, University of Oregon

Mia Tahdooahnippah, Chief Executive Officer, Comanche Nation Entertainment.
