Marketing and Loyalty Clubs

When a Large Market Segment Becomes a Problem

By Tom Osiecki / Comments Off on When a Large Market Segment Becomes a Problem

What happens when Baby Boomers stay home? What happens when a dominant cohort in the gaming industry becomes hesitant to visit casinos and resorts? Boomers are a key market driver among target segments in the gaming industry. What happens when they stay away? Baby Boomers are a massive demographic that controls the largest block of…

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digital marketing through covid-19

Digital and Social Media Team Members

By Justin Shank / Comments Off on Digital and Social Media Team Members

How these essential employees help communicate and create ways to engage with your local and online communities Our industry is effectively shut down and yet it’s extremely hard to quiet the noise, and focus on work. Those of us working on digital and social media marketing solutions, online customer service, reputation management, and public relations…

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finish marketing projects on back burner

You Now Have the Opportunity to Be Bold and Hit RESET

By Steve Dahle / Comments Off on You Now Have the Opportunity to Be Bold and Hit RESET

Move those back burner marketing projects forward With most US casino operations having been closed for three or more weeks now, you’ve probably been through extensive org chart reviews, difficult furlough decisions, and multiple calls regarding expense and revenue re-forecasts and marketing plans. You’ve most likely drilled down as far as you can in those…

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crisis management plan

Five Tips to Create a PR Crisis Management Plan

By Tom Osiecki / Comments Off on Five Tips to Create a PR Crisis Management Plan

Avoid negative communication consequences when your casino reopens The entire casino industry shut down over three weeks ago. As operations were shutting down, marketing departments were challenged to coordinate with key management to get the word out with accuracy. Events over the past few weeks exposed a weakness in planning for casino marketing departments. The…

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Keeping Your Team Members Close When They’re Away …

By Mark Astone / Comments Off on Keeping Your Team Members Close When They’re Away …

How to quickly set up cost effective communication channels As many of you have moved to limited hours or have closed, it’s important to keep the line of communication open with your team members. Constant communication will limit rumors, keep your team engaged, and possibly retain some of your workforce when it’s time to reopen.…

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A New Dynamic for Casino Marketers

By Tom Osiecki / Comments Off on A New Dynamic for Casino Marketers

In this uncertain world created by the Coronavirus attack, one thing is for sure, market conditions and marketing will be very different when the gaming industry starts up again. It will not be productive to blindly hold onto the strategies for a world that – from a few weeks ago – no longer exists. As…

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Ideas to Keep Your Players, Team Members and Community Engaged While You’re Closed

By Daniel Wood / Comments Off on Ideas to Keep Your Players, Team Members and Community Engaged While You’re Closed

Create in-home entertainment for everyone in your database that will drive a visit when you re-open The past few weeks has shaken the gaming industry, along with practically every other “non-essential” business sector across the nation. In the coming weeks, we will be facing a daunting challenge: How do we re-engage and reenergize our community,…

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Some Sound Strategy Before You Extend Offers to Your Guests

By Lynette O’Connell / Comments Off on Some Sound Strategy Before You Extend Offers to Your Guests

I have been seeing a lot of press releases and emails from this past week about what casinos are doing for their players due to their closures. Some of the strategy I have seen is very well thought out and some of it seems to be knee-jerk reactions with concerns over upset guests. I put…

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Why Your Marketing Programs and Promotions Get Ripped Off

By Jennifer Boss / Comments Off on Why Your Marketing Programs and Promotions Get Ripped Off

I think we can all agree that our marketing programs and promotions are vulnerable to internal and external theft and fraud. Usually, it’s a combination of the two: an employee colluding with an outside agent to rip off the program. Why are marketing programs and promotions vulnerable? Programs and promotions are vulnerable because most properties don’t…

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Will It Make the Boat Go Faster?

By Tom Osiecki / Comments Off on Will It Make the Boat Go Faster?

The Single Thought that Will Focus Your Marketing Forever Goals, tasks and vision to answer a single question, “Will It Make the Boat Go Faster?” This is the story of how a British men’s eight rowing team’s Olympic gold victory will help you achieve success with your marketing goals. No, really. This is good stuff.…

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