Leadership and Human Resources

The Emotional Toll of Not Knowing What Comes Next

By Stephanie Somanchi / Comments Off on The Emotional Toll of Not Knowing What Comes Next

We spend a lot of time talking about how to keep our businesses moving forward, how to keep our doors open and how to keep our teams and guests healthy. But through our roles as leaders, sometimes we forget about our individual well-being and the emotional toll of not knowing what comes next. Helping us…

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responding Covid-19 in workplaces - guidelines for managers

Responding to COVID-19 in the Workplace

By Rachele Lyon / Comments Off on Responding to COVID-19 in the Workplace

Support and Guidelines for Organizations – Updated July 2020 It isn’t a question of “if” but rather “when” we have a team member test positive for COVID-19. How do we handle the questions, anxiety, fears, etc., from team members still in the workplace? How do we maintain the privacy of the team member while ensuring…

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It’s Not About Competition, But Collaboration

By Raving / Comments Off on It’s Not About Competition, But Collaboration

In today’s interview, Deana talks to two of the most respected leaders in the industry. They are operating in some of the largest Indian gaming markets, Oklahoma and Northern California. We’ve been drawn to both of them the last several years as they are known for their collaborative leadership style. It’s a way of leading…

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Witness Intentional Leadership

By Raving / Comments Off on Witness Intentional Leadership

Pivots in Strategy for an Innovative Tribal Organization For this week’s Raving On Air, we checked in with Joseph Nayquonabe, CEO, Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures. Joe shares how this time has been an opportunity for him and his team to reevaluate their organization as a whole and to make some pivotal changes in their approach…

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The When, How and What of Reopening

By Mark Astone / Comments Off on The When, How and What of Reopening

What we’ve learned from our industry and guests How is your reopening plan coming together? If you are finding it a challenge on many levels, you’re not alone. Many casino executives and marketing teams feel that they are being thrust into the position of making decisions regarding infectious disease, health and safety. Some would say…

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leadership and strategy

Three Lessons Learned

By Dan Stromer / Comments Off on Three Lessons Learned

How we can all unite under a common cause Over our lifetime, we have experienced many occasions that have had a profound impact on life going forward. It sometimes takes a major event to see more clearly the things we can accomplish together as opposed to against one another. The ability to find a rallying…

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finish marketing projects on back burner

You Now Have the Opportunity to Be Bold and Hit RESET

By Steve Dahle / Comments Off on You Now Have the Opportunity to Be Bold and Hit RESET

Move those back burner marketing projects forward With most US casino operations having been closed for three or more weeks now, you’ve probably been through extensive org chart reviews, difficult furlough decisions, and multiple calls regarding expense and revenue re-forecasts and marketing plans. You’ve most likely drilled down as far as you can in those…

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crisis management plan

Five Tips to Create a PR Crisis Management Plan

By Tom Osiecki / Comments Off on Five Tips to Create a PR Crisis Management Plan

Avoid negative communication consequences when your casino reopens The entire casino industry shut down over three weeks ago. As operations were shutting down, marketing departments were challenged to coordinate with key management to get the word out with accuracy. Events over the past few weeks exposed a weakness in planning for casino marketing departments. The…

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meltdown to success - leadership

Meltdown to Success

By Stephanie Somanchi / Comments Off on Meltdown to Success

You can find the right solutions after you take the time to pause You’ve probably already heard that we are going to make this wild, unprecedented time a transformation. You’ve heard that now is the time to increase market share and to refine systems. Absolutely, that is the case. Absolutely, you can and will. However,…

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Keeping Your Team Members Close When They’re Away …

By Mark Astone / Comments Off on Keeping Your Team Members Close When They’re Away …

How to quickly set up cost effective communication channels As many of you have moved to limited hours or have closed, it’s important to keep the line of communication open with your team members. Constant communication will limit rumors, keep your team engaged, and possibly retain some of your workforce when it’s time to reopen.…

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