Marketing and Loyalty Clubs

Raving NEXT 2019 think tank challenge

What Marketers Told Us at Raving NEXT

By Christine Faria / Comments Off on What Marketers Told Us at Raving NEXT

January 28 – 30, we held our 21st (yes TWENTY-FIRST!!!) Raving NEXT: Indian Gaming Analytics & Marketing Conference at Pechanga Resort Casino (see photos from the event here). There’s a vast amount of information exchange and collaboration that happens at this event each year. It’s great stuff. We collect this data from our diverse group…

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Marketing Budget Hacks for Casinos

Four Casino Marketing Budget Hacks

By Tom Osiecki / Comments Off on Four Casino Marketing Budget Hacks

Marketing budgets are different… “A horse of a different color,” as the Wizard of Oz would say. Along with Halloween and pumpkin spice everything, the annualized budget season arrives around Labor Day like the dreaded headless horsemen—four months of wrangling, sandbagging and brinksmanship. Casino budgets follow an arduous process that averages four months, during which…

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Basic Guidelines for Campaign Segmentation Strategy

By Lynette O’Connell / Comments Off on Basic Guidelines for Campaign Segmentation Strategy

An effective casino campaign strategy requires the effective implementation of segmentation. Why? Because the target audience drives the campaign strategy. Let’s start by looking at a basic active customer program: The campaign strategy should be different for each of the segments below. The goal of the overall campaign is to grow and maintain guest loyalty.…

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Forget Polished Graphics for Social Media Marketing

By Justin Shank / Comments Off on Forget Polished Graphics for Social Media Marketing

Why pictures of your players will drive more social engagement Why do people go on social media? Most would say that it is to consume content. Sure, connecting with family and friends is nice too, but that doesn’t drive the billions of dollars in revenue required to keep these companies running. As marketers, knowing that…

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How to Avoid Racking Up Thousands of Additional Dollars in 2019

By Tami Jones / Comments Off on How to Avoid Racking Up Thousands of Additional Dollars in 2019

Surprise, It’s Time for the January Postal Rate Increase In keeping with its own tradition, the United States Postal Service is proposing to raise rates at the end of January. Oh, who are they kidding? It’s not a proposal, they will be raising rates, but by how much, and what can we do as marketers…

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Are You Getting Enough Juice from Your Digital Advertising

By Mark Astone / Comments Off on Are You Getting Enough Juice from Your Digital Advertising

Three critical questions to evaluate your program In the 25 years since the launch of the first clickable web banner, the industry has continually reinvented itself as new technologies have become available. Digital marketing capabilities seem to evolve on a daily basis. This is why it is important to continually optimize and measure your digital…

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Fearless Industry Predictions for 2019

By Jerry Epstein / Comments Off on Fearless Industry Predictions for 2019

Brought to you by Epstein the Magnificent As we welcome in a new year, I thought it would be fun to take off my normal “sales guy” hat, don the turban, and gaze into the future. Come with me as I channel my inner Johnny Carson, hold the envelope to my forehead, and give you…

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Three Powerful Steps to Help Your Property Compete

By Christine Faria / Comments Off on Three Powerful Steps to Help Your Property Compete

So you don’t have to attend more of “those meetings” We’ve all been in that meeting. Burning the midnight oil trying to address where the property has gone off course. The GM is puzzled. The Vice President of Marketing is disappointed. The Operations team feels out of touch. Food & Beverage is bewildered. Human Resources…

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You Picked Them – Top Five Articles from 2018

By Christine Faria / Comments Off on You Picked Them – Top Five Articles from 2018

We can’t lie (well, we could, but we’re not in this case). The articles below are our most read articles from our weekly industry report during the last 12 months. Our independent judges (uh … that would be Gency), ran the numbers. Who knew that so many people were interested in tax day? Over a…

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Millennials Not Adulting in Your Casino?

By Tom Osiecki / Comments Off on Millennials Not Adulting in Your Casino?

Baby Boomers still spending like grown ups Tom Osiecki It’s called the Silver Tsunami. Articles refer to it as “Gray is the New Black.” Baby boomers are projected to propel the economy for years to come. When it comes to your casino, baby boomers remain an enormous target with discretionary disposable income, free time, and…

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