¡Viva La Casino Analytics Revolución! – Parte II

Machine Learning

The machine learning process In my last article, I introduced how machine learning plays an important role in the new analytics renaissance. I discussed how this technology will change gaming by allowing marketers to discover insights locked away in the casino’s databases. Machine learning enables a marketer to examine large amounts of data, looking for…

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How Big Data Shaped Today’s Casino and Why You Should Care


Why Now? The History of Big Data Recently I spoke at the National Indian Gaming Association’s annual conference. I was a speaker and a moderator on several panel discussions related to analytics and Big Data along with other Ravers, including Raving CEO, Deana Scott. At these events, I’m often asked the question, “Why now? Why…

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¡Viva La Casino Analytics Revolución!

Az Husain

How machine learning will change gaming Hidden away inside your data are incredible secrets. With lots of data there can be many multiples of insights locked away. But make no mistake – the data holds the answers that you are looking for. You just need to find them. And with lots of available data, you…

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Casino Analytics Is Entering A New Renaissance

As Caesars Entertainment emerged from its $18 billion bankruptcy as a different company, it’s interesting to reflect on the valuable parts of the business that were contested in negotiation. The most valuable of the individual assets that was fought over by creditors was not the company’s Romanesque resort at the heart of the Las Vegas…

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Five Ways to Avoid Buying A New BI System

Az Husain

What you can do today without spending a dollar on BI tools Tis the season for budget planning. Now, I’ll admit … it’s not the most wonderful time of the year. Perhaps it’s because there are no budgeting carols to sing. But, let’s spread some holiday cheer; maybe you can avoid spending too much this…

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What Casinos Can Learn About Performance Management from Microsoft

Computer Keyboard

How to use technology to automate goal management and tracking Years ago, when I first started my career at Microsoft, one of the things that I enjoyed the most about the company’s culture was its informality (and I don’t mean walking around in ponchos and Birkenstocks – although that does happen). Work got done not…

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The Importance of Experimentation

Research and Test

What my vacation taught me about being a better marketer Summer is upon us, and with that, summer vacation! I love vacations with the family. My two sons are becoming good travelers. And as such, my wife and I felt it was time to start traveling to more “exotic” locations rather than visiting Disneyland or…

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What You Need to Know About Cloud Computing

Blue Skies

How this 21st century disruption will change casinos forever One of the most significant and massively transformative technologies to shape the 20th century was the introduction of the mass-produced automobile. Henry Ford’s Model T freed everyday people from the limitations of their geography on a scale never known before. The automobile created immense mobility. It…

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Social Media Just a Time Waster? Not So Fast

Adults Mobile Devices

Using social media data to learn about your players I have a good friend who spends a lot of time on Facebook. She posts interesting anecdotes about her daughter’s school activities, hilarious family vacation stories, and lots of pre-meal pictures of food. Most of my friends know that I spend very little time on social…

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Use Automation to Save Time and Money

Automation Production

Tools that work seamlessly behind the scenes to do the work for you Like many of you, I have a busy life. Between work, travel, and home schedules, I often find that I don’t have enough hours in the day to manage everything I want to do. But, being a technologist and a data guy,…

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