Raving’s Got (NEW) Talent!

Have you ever wondered just how hard it would be to judge a talent show? To find the next “superstar”? Well, let me tell you, it’s tough. But we did it. We found TWO as we just finalized our search for the next “Ravers.” There was extremely tough competition, as the quality and experience of…

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Raving Intro Programs to Drive Revenue and Reduce Costs

We’ve developed seven programs for a successful start to 2021. These programs will help you drive revenue and protect costs while you are operating with less staff, less players and less resources. These are low-cost programs starting designed to prepare you for 2021 and provide critical support now. These programs are only available for a limited time. We’ve created…

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What’s Happening at NB3 Foundation this November!

It’s that time of year again! NB3FIT WEEK 2020 is only a month away and the Notah Begay III (NB3) Foundation is excited to once again call upon Tribes, Native-led organizations, urban Indian centers, schools and groups to host a VIRTUAL Native youth-centered physical activity, fitness and/or healthy activity event during NB3FIT WEEK,  November 2-8, 2020.…

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Will the Real Michael Hochman Please Put the Suit On

Lilly (12) and Lucy (9), daughters of our great friend Michael Hochman, Vice President Casino Operations, Canterbury Park, Shakopee, MN, put on their dad’s suit and explain how their facility is preparing for guests to arrive when they reopen. Thanks Michael for giving us a laugh this Monday morning and we wish the best to…

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Compassion and Leadership During Unrest

As a group, we decided to forgo our typical Monday Industry Report and let you know we too are grappling with many emotions as we start this new week. I woke up unrested this morning, to a country in struggle: a country seeking leadership, seeking reassurance, seeking peace. I grappled with my feelings, not only…

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